Model Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Tanpa Kekerasan Fisik


  • Milda Muliati Universitas Islam Negeri Bukittinggi
  • Wedra Aprison Universitas Islam Negeri Bukittinggi
  • Selvia Nelis Institut Agama Islam Yasni Bungo



Violence, Dicipline, Character



Cases of violence in schools are no longer uncommon. The phenomenon of violence recently occurred at a State Vocational School in West Sumbawa Regency. The occurrence of this case began with evidence of bruises on the student's neck. This certainly requires further action to find out the facts behind this case. The purpose of this study is to open up insights into how discipline enforcement in schools is in accordance with existing rules. This research was conducted qualitatively with a literature study approach. The research sources come from news and are supported by sources from books and articles to analyse the news that has occurred. The object of research is a viral case of child abuse that occurred in one of the SMKN 1 West Sumbawa, NTB. The results of the research obtained that there has been a case of violence by teachers to students, students were beaten with bamboo until bruised in the neck, this happened because students did not want to pray in congregation. Of course this is a dilemma for teachers in enforcing discipline on students. In this case it is important to know how to punish students according to the rules and religion. And for teachers it is important to know the impact of every thing that is done. The conclusion of this research is the need for cooperation between teachers and parents in educating children, religious values need to be instilled from an early age in the family environment.


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How to Cite

Muliati, M., Aprison , W., & Selvia Nelis. (2024). Model Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Tanpa Kekerasan Fisik. NUR EL-ISLAM : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan, 11(2), 338–361.