Focus and Scope

El - Madib is a journal of  Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/ Sekolah Dasar/ Primary School, focuses on a critical study of primary education and study examines the development of basic education issues.

The scope includes:

  1. Learning (Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Civics, English, Indonesian, Arabic, PAI, Art and Local content) in the MI / SD.
  2. Analysis of student competency in MI/SD.
  3. Learning strategies (Models, Methods and Learning Media) in MI/SD.
  4. Psychology of Elementary Students of MI/SD.
  5. Online Learning System in MI/SD.
  6. Improvement of Elementary School Teachers’ Quality and Competence
  7. Education Management in MI/SD.
  8. Islamic Education for MI/SD.
  9. Curriculum Design for MI/SD.
  10. Inclusive Education in Elementary School
  11. The results of education and teaching research MI/SDI