Author Guidelines

We welcome academic articles in community service. The submissions should be in accordance with the following guidelines:

1. Articles are written in Indonesian, Arabic or English (preferable) using academic language along with standard academic writing structure and composition.

2. Articles must be scholarly original engage academic discussion of topics in the field.

3. The articles have not been published or considered for publication in the other journals or other media.

4. Written in MS Word format, and submitted in soft copy or via email at: by using a file attachment.

5. The length of the manuscript is approximately about 22 pages, no less than 15 pages, written in Times New Roman 12, A4 paper format, margins: top 2.5; left 2.5; right 2.5; bottom 2.5, one spaced.

6. Articles should be in form of essay which includes:

  • Tittle.
  • Author's name (without academic degree), affiliation and e-mail.
  • Abstract in English, Arabic and Indonesian (150-250 words for each) which includes research problems, theory which relates the problems, methods, results and conclusion.
  • Keywords in English,Arabic and Indonesian (3-7 words).
  • Articles include introduction, literature reviews/ theoretical construct (if needed) of the research, conclusion.
  • Research methods describes the rationale for the application of spesific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, and analyze information applied to understanding the research problem.
  • Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work.
  • Conclusion should answer the objectives of research.
  • References.
  • Pages is written on the right top.
  • Footnotes is used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list.

7. All articles should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the Microsoft Word article template. Paper tamplate can be download here.